Demonstrating how to carve linoleum to high school students during Art to Go.
Art to Go is a point of pride, and I am very happy to spend a large portion of my job participating in this outreach program. While there are countless aspects and benefits of this program that I love, from sharing the museum’s collection with over one-thousand students a month across rural Texas to encouraging students to explore new creative outlets, there is one trait of this program that I relish above all: experiencing the developmental processes and abilities of students at an accelerated rate.
What do I mean by this? Let me explain.
Throughout a single month, I will visit the classrooms of Preschoolers through Seniors in High School. Working with this range of students every month, I experience the mental, physical, and emotional progression of a young child to adolescent to young adult condensed in a matter of days, rather than years.
I like to think I am watching the students of this region, as a collective, growing up double time.
It is a fascinating thing.
Molly Gore Merck, Education Coordinator